The Latest, Greatest
Events and Updates from Lawrence Farmers Market

Holiday Farmers Market 2024
On the second Saturday in December, a Lawrence Holiday tradition occurs. Over 10,000 customers come to shop from over 40 regular season Lawrence Farmers Market Vendors. Customers come from all over to shop at this special open-air festive market.

Sustainable Supper Fundraiser at Burning Barrel
Sixty guests joined us in supporting local food and farm products at our first Farm-to-Table Fundraiser, hosted on-site at the Burning Barrel farm and restaurant in Lecompton, Kansas.

Our Recent Awards
As a representative of over 65 local businesses, we are proud to be an incubator space for start-ups to grow and flourish. We work closely with many different partners around the city, county, and state to stay on the forefront of community health, nutrition, and wellness.
Help Us Support Lawrence Families and Farmers with a Monthly Contribution
Give today to be a part of our community to create a more equitable economy around our local food. Your monthly contribution helps us year-round.

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