Double Your Food Dollars with our Double Up Programs
Turn $25 into $75 for FREE and get more fruits, vegetables, and proteins when you run your SNAP EBT card at the Lawrence Farmers Market.
Using your EBT/SNAP Cards at our Market
1. Visit the Market Info Booth
Find our helpful staff in the middle of the Market, near the alley between Rhode Island and New Hampshire Streets.
2. Swipe Your Card
We will run your card at the Market Info Booth and give you tokens to spend with our Vendors on SNAP eligible items.
We match your amount, up to $25 per day, per token program
3. Use Your Tokens
Shop with your tokens all-season long, including at the Holiday Farmers Market. Your dollars and our matching dollars have different token types and each can be used for different items.
See below for more details on each token type.
Our Double Up Programs
Visit the Market Info Booth to get your tokens and learn more about how you can swipe for $25 and get $75 to spend at the Market!
Double Up Food Bucks
We’re proud to partner with Double Up Heartland to bring Double Up Food Bucks to the Lawrence Farmers Market.
This program matches every $1 you spend with another $1 FREE, up to $25, each visit to help SNAP customers get more local fresh fruits and vegetables.
Double Up Protein Bucks
The Lawrence Farmers Market is excited to announce our own token-matching program, Double Up Protein Bucks.
This program matches $1 for $1 up to $25 FREE every Saturday to help SNAP customers purchase local proteins like eggs, meats, dairy, and beans!
Token Types & Uses
Wooden Tokens
$1 Wooden Tokens represent the SNAP money that you take out of your EBT account. These $1 Wooden Tokens are good for meat, eggs, baked goods, honey, nuts, jams, jellies, salsa, sauces, fruits, veggies, and seeds & plants for food (ex: tomato plants or bean seeds); In other words, they can be used to purchase any food products that are not hot nor ready-to-eat foods or drinks. No change is given. No tax is charged.
Aqua Tokens
$1 Aqua Tokens represent the matching money provided through Double Up Food Bucks. Aqua $1 Tokens can ONLY be used to purchase fresh fruits, veggies, cut herbs, and seeds & plants for food. You should try to use your Aqua Tokens for fruits and veggies first, as those are the only things you can buy with them. No change is given. No tax is charged.
Red Tokens
$1 Red Tokens represent the matching money provided through our new Double Up Protein Bucks. Red $1 Tokens can ONLY be used to purchase meats, cheeses, milk, eggs, nut butters, nuts, dried beans, fresh edamame, and hummus. You should try to use your Red Tokens for proteins like meats, eggs, and dairy first, as those are the only things you can buy with them. No change is given. No tax is charged.
Check Eligibility and Apply for SNAP
Not sure if you’re eligible for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits? Check out Kansas’ Department for Children and Families resource page on how to access food assistance in Kansas and their page to check your eligibility.
Need assistance applying for SNAP benefits?
Our various partners can offer application assistance in Lawrence, KS:
Just Food
Call 785-856-0044 or email clientservices@justfood.org for an appointment.
Lawrence Public Library
Stop by the library on Tuesday and Saturday afternoons 1 - 5 p.m. or email infointern@lplks.org for an appointment.
Extension Master Food Volunteers at the Senior Resource Center
All are welcome, regardless of age! 4th Wednesday of the month, 1 - 3 p.m.
Call 785-842-0543 or email contact@yoursrc.org for an appointment.
Ballard Center
Call 785-842-0729 for an appointment or fill out the contact form on their website.
Thank you to the Douglas County Community Foundation, LiveWell Douglas County through Pathways to a Healthy Kansas, a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas (BCBSKS) initiative, and local, and private donors from our community for funding Double Up Protein Bucks.
Double Up Food Bucks is supported by funds from the USDA and a variety of private funders. It is offered in partnership with the Double Up Heartland Collaborative led by Mid-America Regional Council and including Kansas State Research & Extension, Cultivate KC, and the University of Missouri Extension.
Thank you to Douglas County, Douglas County K-State Extension Office, Douglas County Sustainability Office, and the City of Lawrence for bringing Double Up Food Bucks to Douglas County, and Kansas.
Cultivating Trusted Pathways to Local Food
As a 501c3 nonprofit, we aim to improve access to locally-grown food and farm products and provide education and opportunities for our community through a direct farm-to-consumer market in downtown Lawrence, Kansas.
Farmers to Food Banks
We work in partnership with Douglas County Master Garders to donate fresh produce to Just Food every week.
Kids Activities & Education
Our educational programs inspire kids to learn about where their food comes from and what’s in season.
Doubling Your Dollars
Our Double Up Food Buck Tokens increase access of local fresh fruits & vegetables for SNAP users in our community.
Help Lift Up our Local Food System with a Monthly Contribution

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