Our Recent Awards
Director of Development Emily Lysen, Market Manager Anna Skenadore, and 2023-2024 Vice Chair Phil Holman-Hebert at the 2024 Foundation Awards.
Lawrence Farmers Market has been a leader not only in the farmers market world but also in the business and health worlds. As a representative of over 65 local businesses, we are proud to be an incubator space for start-ups to grow and flourish. We work closely with many different partners around the city, county, and state to stay on the forefront of community health, nutrition, and wellness. We aim to bring our community together through sharing locally grown food directly from your neighbors and friends.
2021 Friend of the Extension Master Gardeners
Lawrence Farmers Market received this award for our work each year with the Produce Distribution team to donate local produce to Just Food.
2021 LiveWell Healthy Food for All: Culture of Health Champion Award
Lawrence Farmers Market received this award for implementing Triple Up Food Bucks for SNAP users.
2023 LiveWell Healthy Food for All: Culture of Health Champion Award for Emily Lysen, Director of Development
2023 Co-Chairs of the Healthy Foods For All working group Charles Shively and Enrique Ortiz present the 2023 Culture of Health Champion Award to Director of Development Emily Lysen.
“Emily serves as the Director of Development for the Lawrence Farmers’ Market and Chair of the Douglas County Food Policy Council. She is a force of energy dressed in festive food-themed costumes, working hard to improve access to local, healthy, affordable food for diverse populations. In addition to all of her job responsibilities with the farmers’ market, Emily worked in partnership with LiveWell to receive two Pathways to a Healthy Kansas grants that will create opportunities for underserved community members, including Youth, Seniors, SNAP recipients, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to participate in our local food system.”
2024 Lawrence Business Magazine’s Foundation Award
Foundation Awards are given to Lawrence businesses that are in business at least three years and have grown their work forces by at least 20 percent or 20 employees.
In 2023, Lawrence Farmers Market added our first permanent full-time employee, Director of Development, Emily Lysen, making us eligible for this 2024 award.
2024 Best of Lawrence
Best of Lawrence is an annual local competition conducted by the Lawrence Journal-World and Sunflower Publishing. Nominations typically take place in April for all of the categories with voting taking place daily during one week in June. Community members can vote once per day per category, so keep Lawrence Farmers Market in mind when you’re voting each year! We would LOVE to be #1 in Fresh Produce!