Contact Us
Have a Question?
Be sure to browse our FAQs below to see if your question is already answered before you send us a message.
If we haven’t answered your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form.
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Mailing Address:
PO Box 44-2151
Lawrence, KS 66044
Looking for Someone Specific?
Meet our Team here
Interested in Volunteering?
We’re always looking for volunteers! We have many opportunities to help depending on your interests and abilities: setup and takedown, customer counts, helping with kids’ activities, street team, and more.
Message Emily to sign up!
We’re Here Every Saturday Morning, Rain or Shine!
April 12 - November 22, 2025
7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
824 New Hampshire Street
Downtown Lawrence, Kansas
Click on the map for directions.
Market FAQs
There is a 2-hour free lot right across New Hampshire Street from us! There are 2-hour free parking garages on New Hampshire Street, one at 7th Street and one at 9th Street. There is metered city parking (that doesn’t start until 9:30am) and free parking in the neighborhoods around the Market.
Please do not park in the private parking lots adjacent to the farmers market.
Additionally, there is bike parking just north of the Rhode Island entrance. Please refer to the Saturday Parking Maps for more detailed information.
The Market can be easily reached by the city bus! Bus Routes 1, 6, and 7 stop at Stop 124, located at 9th and New Hampshire Streets. Bus Route 11 drops off at Stop 123, located at 9th and Rhode Island Streets. Food carts may be taken onto buses from the Market.
Each Vendor is unique in their payment systems - all accept cash and Market Tokens and many accept credit cards directly. Many Vendors are now set up for Venmo, Apple Pay, etc.
There is no need to stop for cash beforehand - you can come by the Market Info Booth and we’ll run your debit, credit, and EBT cards in exchange for Market Tokens to use at Vendor booths that work just like cash. We’re located near the alley in the New Hampshire Street lot, where friendly staff would love to help.
Come by the Market Info Booth, located near the alley in the New Hampshire Street lot and we’ll run your EBT card in exchange for Market Tokens to use just like cash.
Learn more about using your EBT card at the Market, including how to get up to $25 in free Market Tokens for fresh fruits and vegetables and $25 in free Market Tokens for proteins such as meats, eggs, cheese, milk, and beans!
We love our furry friends, but please read and follow our guidelines to let's stay safe and considerate when bringing them to the Market.
Dogs must be kept on a short, non-expandable leash. No exceptions. Expandable leashes are a hazard to children and other guests at the Market.
Keep your dog under control and by your side at all times.
Do not let your dog approach other dogs without the owner's consent. Even social dogs sometimes do not want to meet on a leash.
Keep dogs away from produce, plants, and other food products. This means head AND tail ends! If your dog damages any Vendor's product, you are responsible for covering any losses.
Your dog must be sociable with people and other dogs to earn the right to shop at the Market.
Not everyone is a dog lover: Be considerate.
Come prepared to clean up after your dog!
Bring them by the Market Info Booth for pets from the staff!
We are a membership-based non-profit farmers market. Please read our Guidelines and Bylaws to ensure you meet the qualifications then submit your application here.
Our Board of Directors reviews each application for approval and our Market Manager visits your farm or kitchen before your first Market day.
YES! While the Lawrence Farmers Market is exempt from the City of Lawrence plastic bag ban, we strive to reduce waste and plastic use as much as possible. A reusable shopping bag gives you a place to store all of your purchases without having to juggle multiple plastic bags. Bring your own or buy one of our fabric tote bags on site at the Market Info Booth or from one of our Vendors. We also encourage you to bring reusable produce bags as much as possible.
In addition to reducing waste through reusable shopping bags, you can also find reusable egg cartons, refillable soap dispensers, reusable glass jars and containers, and a food waste composting program.
We do our best to keep everything turned in to us at the Market Info Booth. Contact our Market Manager or come back next Market to see if we have your items!

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